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Why Is CBD Education Important in the Community?

CBD Education is a topic that many people are unfamiliar with. Most people have at least heard about CBD at this point. It’s difficult to avoid having signage and advertisements in many locations. However, just because they’ve heard of CBD doesn’t imply they actually understand it or have ever received proper CBD training. The truth is that many individuals have heard of CBD but have no idea what it is. They have no idea what kinds of benefits CBD can provide or where we can buy it.

There’s also a lot of misinformation out there that links CBD to THC or marijuana. These factors, as well as public misconceptions about CBD, are harming the CBD sector. We need to do a better job of teaching people about CBD for reasons like these. If we start small on a local level, it could serve as a foundation for broad CBD education and awareness of what it is and is not.

CBD Can Be Viewed Negatively Without Education

In many ways, the CBD business is fighting an uphill struggle. While CBD has aided many people with a variety of conditions, there are still a lot of misconceptions and false information concerning CBD. Misinformation like this does nothing but erode consumer confidence in CBD products.

Consumers may have a negative perception of CBD for a variety of reasons, including misinformation and misunderstanding. Some of it is due to the CBD industry’s own mistakes. Furthermore, the CBD business is completely unregulated and unsupervised by the federal government.

What Does the Data Say?

There has been research and surveys conducted to see where individuals stand on CBD and how much knowledge they have about it. Invisibly did one of these surveys. The findings of their survey give a picture of how the general population thinks and understands CBD.

To begin, Invisible used a sample size of 1,087 Americans. They discovered that 62 percent of all respondents had never tried a CBD product of any kind. That’s a significant number, but perhaps the more relevant question we should ask is why they have never tried CBD.

CBD was reportedly used in topical form by 11 percent of those who used it, edible form by 14 percent, and both edibles and topicals by another 13 percent. When it comes to CBD users, 64 percent stated they knew the difference between CBD and THC products like marijuana.

So, more over a third of respondents admitted to trying CBD without knowing whether it was different from THC. One of the more interesting findings is that 68 percent of respondents who have never tried CBD say they have no idea what the difference is between CBD and THC products like marijuana. That implies 68 percent of individuals surveyed associate CBD with marijuana, a psychotropic and federally prohibited narcotic. It merely goes to show how widely CBD is misunderstood.

Why Do People Have Negative Feelings About CBD?

We feel that most of the misinformation about CBD stems from a lack of understanding of what CBD is and how it can assist. It’s noteworthy that 53% of those who have never tried CBD claim they will never try it. Are they making their decision on the basis of accurate knowledge or on the basis of misinformation about CBD?

As the survey reveals, many people do not know the difference between CBD and marijuana. They either think they’re the same thing or they’re so closely connected that they mix CBD and marijuana. In either case, the perception is false and harmful to the CBD sector. Many individuals would probably be more willing to test CBD if they knew it wasn’t the same as marijuana.

CBD does not have the same psychoactive properties as marijuana. For some potential CBD users, the fact that marijuana is federally prohibited and creates an altered mental state is a major disadvantage. It will be difficult to persuade them to use CBD in the future unless they acquire accurate information on CBD education.

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