We are Canada’s #1 Online Magic Mushroom Dispensary. We offer the most premium products at the best price anywhere.
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Browse around, read our blog, ask questions.
Once you are ready to place your order. You can can checkout via the cart.
Please double check your shipping information to make sure it is correct.
Once you have successfully checked out, you will recevie and confirmation email and payment instructions.
[/ux_text] [/col] [/row] [row] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInLeft”] [ux_image id=”209″ height=”75%”] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInRight”] [ux_text font_size=”1.25″ line_height=”2.25″ text_align=”center”]STEP 2: MAKE YOUR PAYMENT
We accept payments made via E-Transfer from a Canadian Bank Account or all major cryptocurrencies.
Once you checkout, you will get payment instructions.
Payment instructions will also be included in your confirmation email.
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Orders are shipped via Canada Post.
All orders come with tracking numbers.
We send out orders place before 12PM PST on the same day.
Orders placed after 12PM PST are sent out the very next day.
[/ux_text] [/col] [/row] [divider align=”center” height=”0px”] [title style=”bold-center” text=”Browse our Magic Mushrooms”] [ux_product_categories style=”default” depth=”2″ depth_hover=”4″ animate=”bounceIn” slider_nav_style=”simple” slider_nav_position=”outside” ids=”16,19,20,25″ show_count=”0″ text_bg=”rgb(184, 216, 190)”] [divider align=”center” height=”0px”] [title style=”bold-center” text=”SHOP MAGIC MUSHROOMS ONLINE”] [ux_products type=”row” animate=”fadeInDown” cat=”16″ out_of_stock=”exclude”] [title style=”bold-center” text=”MAGIC MUSHROOM MICRODOSE” icon=”instagram”] [ux_products type=”row” animate=”bounceInUp” cat=”19″ products=”4″ orderby=”rand” out_of_stock=”exclude”] [title style=”bold-center” text=”MAGIC MUSHROOM EDIBLES” icon=”instagram”] [ux_products type=”row” animate=”bounceInUp” cat=”20″ products=”4″ orderby=”rand” out_of_stock=”exclude”] [divider align=”center” height=”0px”] [row col_bg_radius=”54″ v_align=”middle” h_align=”center”] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInDown”] [ux_image id=”203″] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInDown”]BENEFITS OF PSILOCYBIN
[/col] [/row] [divider align=”center” height=”0px”] [title style=”center” text=”WHY SHOP WITH SHROOM GARDEN?” tag_name=”h2″ size=”149″] [row] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”6″ align=”center” animate=”fadeInDown”] [ux_image id=”503″ width=”50″] [ux_text text_align=”center”]PREMIUM PRODUCTS
We carefully handpick our growers and regularly refine our collection to ensure we offer only the highest quality psilocybin-based products to our valued customers.
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Buy shrooms online from Shroom Garden to enjoy low prices and exciting special offers. Be the first to know about fantastic fungi sales — sign up for our newsletter!
[/ux_text] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”6″ align=”center” animate=”fadeInDown”] [ux_image id=”505″ width=”50″] [ux_text text_align=”center”]STELLAR CUSTOMER SERVICE
[/ux_text] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”6″ align=”center” animate=”fadeInDown”] [ux_image id=”502″ width=”50″] [ux_text text_align=”center”]COMPASSIONATE PRICING
Magic mushrooms are medicine, and we firmly believe it should be accessible to all who need it. Contact us about our compassionate pricing program for patients in need.
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